Points Incentive Campaigns

Spectre introduces a Points incentive mechanism designed to reward users for engaging with various Spectre products in specified ways. This mechanism incentivizes participation and contributes to the growth and utilization of Spectre's ZeFi ecosystem.


Users will earn +16% on top of any Points their invites earn, and +8% on top of any Points their invite’s invites earn. As users invite more individuals into the Spectre ecosystem, their potential Points accumulation grows proportionally. The more users are actively engaged through invites and invite's invites, the higher the Points earned by the inviting user.

Airdrop Based on Points Distribution

Spectre plans to conduct an airdrop for SPT tokens, and the allocation of these tokens will be determined based on the distribution of Points accumulated by users across Spectre's products. Points serve as a measure of user engagement and participation within the ecosystem.

Key Aspects of the Airdrop Mechanism:

  • Points Accumulation. Users accumulate Points through various activities and engagements within Spectre's protocols and products. Different products within the Spectre protocol family may have distinct rules for Points distribution based on specific criteria and user actions.

  • Airdrop Eligibility. The final list of users eligible for the SPT token airdrop will be determined based on their accumulated Points. Users with higher Points relative to the total Points distributed will receive a proportionally larger allocation of SPT tokens.

  • Dynamic Points Distribution. Points distribution rules may vary across different Spectre products to align with their specific goals and incentivization mechanisms. This flexibility allows Spectre to tailor Points accumulation rules to encourage desired behaviors and foster engagement.

Benefits of Points-Based Airdrop:

  • Fair Distribution. Ensures that users who actively participate and contribute to the Spectre ecosystem are rewarded proportionally through the token airdrop.

  • Incentivized Engagement. Encourages ongoing engagement and participation across Spectre's products, enhancing ecosystem activity and user retention.

  • Transparent Allocation. The allocation of SPT tokens based on Points provides transparency and accountability, ensuring that rewards are distributed equitably based on user contributions.

AleoStaking Points

AleoStaking Points refer to an implementation of Spectre Points for AleoStaking. Within AleoStaking, users can earn points by locking their stCredits into the AleoStaking Points program. The number of points earned is directly proportional to the amount of stCredits locked and the duration of the lock-up period. Longer lock-up period and larger locked stCredits result in higher points accumulation.

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