
stcredits is the core program which acts as a liquid staking pool. The program is responsible for deposits, withdrawals, minting and burning liquid tokens, delegating funds to validators, applying fees and distributing rewards.

stcredits program also defines stCredits, an ARC-20 token that represents the account's share of the total supply of Credits tokens inside AleoStaking on Aleo system. It is a non-rebasable token, which means that the amount of tokens in the user's account is not going to change. During time, the value of this token is changing, since the amount of Credits tokens inside the protocol is not constant. stCredits will be integrated in variety of ZeFi applications across Aleo ecosystem.

Mappings, Structs and Records

All the mappings can be read publicly, either by the user or by the programs.


Returns the total supply of stCredits tokens. The only valid key is 0u8.

mapping total_supply: u8 => u64;


Returns the public amount of stCredits tokens that the account owns.

mapping account: address => u64;


Returns the amount of stCredits tokens that the spender is allowed to spend on behalf of the approver. The key is the BHP256 hash of the approval struct instance.

struct approval {
    approver: address,
    spender: address,

mapping approvals: field => u64;


Returns the global configuration of the liquid staking pool. The only valid key is 0u8.

struct Config {
    paused: bool,
    treasury: address,
    protocol_fee: u8,

mapping config: u8 => Config;


Returns the state of the liquid staking pool. The only valid key is 0u8.

struct State {
    withdraw: u64, // total withdrawal in credits
    pending_withdraw: u64, // total pending withdrawal in credits
    bonded: u64, // total bonded credits (it may have some lag)
    unbonding: u64, // total unbonding credits (it may have some lag)
    resolved_height: u32, // block height of the last resolved

mapping state: u8 => State;


Returns the cache state of the liquid staking pool. The only valid key is 0u8.

struct CacheState {
    status: u8,
    height: u32, // the start height or finished height
    bonded: u64,
    unbonding: u64,
    next_index: u32, // the index of the next delegator for caching

mapping cache_state: u8 => CacheState;


Returns the withdrawal of a user account.

struct Withdraw {
    amount: u64, // credits
    pending: bool, // whether the withdraw is pending
    height: u32, // block height at which the withdraw can be claimed or the pending withdraw **may** be claimed

mapping withdraws: address => Withdraw; // user => withdraw


Returns the number of delegators of the liquid staking pool. The only valid key is 0u8. By this number, we can index the delegators mapping like an array.

mapping delegators_count: u8 => u32;


Returns the delegator information, indexed by the delegator's index. delegators and delegators_count enable us to iterate over all delegators of the liquid staking pool like an array. The index satisfies: 0 <= index < delegators_count[0u8].

struct Delegator {
    delegator: address,
    validator: address,
    bonded: u64,

mapping delegators: u32 => Delegator;


Returns the position (index) of the delegator in the delegators array.

mapping delegator_pos: address => u32;


Returns the position (index) of the validator in the delegators array.

mapping validator_pos: address => u32;



Returns the metadata of the stCredits token.

struct metadata {
    name: u128, // 16 bytes -> 16 characters with ASCII encoding
    symbol: u64, // 8 bytes -> 8 characters with ASCII encoding
    decimals: u8,
transition get_metadata() -> metadata;


Approves the spender to spend the public amount of stCredits tokens on behalf of the caller.

async transition approve_public(public spender: address, public amount: u64) -> Future;


Unapproves the spender to spend the public amount of stCredits tokens on behalf of the caller.

async transition unapprove_public(public spender: address, public amount: u64) -> Future;


Transfers the public amount of stCredits tokens from the approver to the receiver, signed by the spender.

async transition transfer_from_public(public approver: address, public receiver: address, public amount: u64) -> Future ;


Transfers the public amount of stCredits tokens from the caller to the receiver.

async transition transfer_public(public receiver: address, public amount: u64) -> Future;


Transfers the private amount of stCredits tokens from the sender to the receiver. The inputs sender, receiver and amount are all private. Returns the new private token records of the sender and the receiver.

record token {
    owner: address,
    amount: u64,
transition transfer_private(sender: token, receiver: address, amount: u64) -> (token, token);


Transfers the amount of stCredits tokens from the sender to the receiver. The token record of the sender is private. Returns the new private token record of the sender.

async transition transfer_private_to_public(sender: token, public receiver: address, public amount: u64) -> (token, Future);


Transfers the amount of stCredits tokens from the sender to the receiver. Returns the new private token record of the receiver.

async transition transfer_public_to_private(public receiver: address, public amount: u64) -> (token, Future);


Claim the amount of unbonded Credits from the validator of the delegator. It will fail if the unbonding does not exist or the unbonding height is not reached.

async transition claim_unbond(delegator: address) -> Future;


Resolve the total pending withdrawals of the liquid staking pool. It is usually called after one or more transitions of claim_unbond has been executed.

async transition resolve_withdrawal() -> Future;


Supply (or deposit) the amount of Credits tokens to the liquid staking pool, and mint stCredits tokens to the caller.

async transition supply(public credits: u64) -> Future;


Withdraw the amount of Credits tokens from the liquid staking pool, and burn stCredits tokens from the caller. It will create a withdrawal state or a pending withdrawal state for the user.

async transition withdraw(public stcredits: u64) -> Future;


Claim the amount of Credits tokens from the liquid staking pool. There must be a withdrawal state or a pending withdrawal state for the user. And the state must reach a condition which allows the user to claim the tokens.

async transition claim(public amount: u64) -> Future;

Operator Transitions

The following transitions can only be called by the operator. The operator account should be controlled by the operator daemon service, which is maintained by the Spectre team and is managed by the admin (or the Spectre Governance).


Can only be called by the delegator program's bond transition, to bond the amount of Credits tokens to the validator. The signer must be the operator.

async transition bond(public delegator: address, public validator: address, public amount: u64) -> Future;


Unbond the amount of Credits tokens from the validator of the delegator. It will serve either for the users to withdraw Credits or for rebalancing bonding between the validators.

async transition unbond(delegator: address, public amount: u64) -> Future;


Resolve the total pending withdrawals of the liquid staking pool. It is usually called after one or more transitions of claim_unbond has been executed. The difference between resolve_withdrawal and resolve_withdrawal_force is that the latter will force the resolution of the pending withdrawals to some extent, regardless of the liquidity of the pooled Credits amount in the liquid staking pool.

async transition resolve_withdrawal_force(public credits: u64, public height: u32) -> Future;


Will be called one or more times to cache the total bonded/unbonding state from the credits.aleo program. The cache state will be valid after the caching is successfully finished. The settlement of the Credits and stCredits of the liquid staking pool must always be based on the valid cache state.

async transition cache(public start: u32) -> Future;

Admin Transitions

The following transitions can only be called by the admin. The admin should be an administrator program, which is managed by the Spectre Governance.


Initializes the liquid staking pool.

async transition initialize() -> Future;


Can only be called by the delegator program's register transition, to register itself as one delegator for a validator. The signer must be the admin. Due to the design of the Aleo native staking mechanism, one delegator can only delegate to one validator at any time. So we need to deploy multiple delegator programs, each of which is responsible for one validator.

async transition register_delegator(public delegator: address, public validator: address) -> Future;


Unregister the delegator and its validator. The delegator must have neither bonded nor unbonding state.

async transition unregister_delegator(public delegator: address) -> Future;


Set the treasury address of the liquid staking pool.

async transition set_treasury(public treasury: address) -> Future;


Set the protocol fee rate of the liquid staking pool, in percentage (%).

async transition set_protocol_fee(public fee: u8) -> Future;


Pause the liquid staking pool.

async transition pause() -> Future;


Unpause the liquid staking pool.

async transition unpause() -> Future;

Last updated