
AleoStaking incentivizes users to lock their stCredits into the AleoStaking Points program by rewarding them with Points. These points are earned based on the amount of stCredits locked and the duration of the lock-up period. The longer the lock-up period and the larger the amount of stCredits locked, the higher the points accumulates.

It's worth noting that the AleoStaking Points is one implementation of the Spectre Points in the AleoStaking product. That is to say, the portion of the points that users earn from AleoStaking is a part of the total points of Spectre.

Mappings, Structs and Records

All the mappings can be read publicly, either by the user or by the programs.


Returns the total supply of AleoStaking Points. The only valid key is 0u8.

mapping total_supply: u8 => u128;


Returns the amount of AleoStaking Points that the account owns.

mapping account: address => u128;


Returns the state of the user. The state includes the total locked stCredits, the block height at which the last settlement was made, the inviter, and the inviter of the inviter.

struct UserState {
    stcredits: u64, // the total locked stcredits
    height: u32, // the block height at which the last settlement was made
    inviter: address,
    inviter_of_inviter: address,

mapping states: address => UserState;


Return the user address by the invite code.

mapping inviters: u32 => address;


Return the invite code by the user address.

mapping invite_codes: address => u32;


Returns the invite code incrementer which is used to generate the invite code.

mapping invite_code_counter: u8 => u32;


Whether the program is paused or not.

mapping paused: u8 => bool;



Lock user's stCredits into the program to get points, with an optional invite code. For a new user, the invite_code points to the user's inviter. And if invite_code is empty (zero), the caller's inviter and the inviter of inviter will be both none. If the user is not new, invite_code must be empty (zero).

async transition lock(public stcredits: u64, public invite_code: u32) -> Future;


Unlock user's stCredits and settle points.

async transition unlock(public stcredits: u64) -> Future;


Settle points for the user at current block height.

async transition settle() -> Future;

Admin Transitions

The following transitions can only be called by the admin. The admin should be an administrator program, which is managed by the Spectre Governance.


Pause the liquid staking pool.

async transition pause() -> Future;


Unpause the liquid staking pool.

async transition unpause() -> Future;

Last updated